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We have not died off.... yet

We're still around, stuck under a large tome in the library. If you see us, or the many former members, say hi!


Lundi, day 30 of Spring, 588. Bloodstoner (a FrozenHam protege) passed the fourth circle healer test - without any bloodstoning required. Congratulations to him!

Merdi, day 32 of Spring, 588. ElumKcap Suni, passed his second circle fighter test after a long study in the library. Fifth time's the charm! FrozenHawk, one of two genetically created twins, passed her second circle healer test.

Terrdi, day 33 of Spring, 588. MissPotatoHead, another studious fighter, passed the second circle fighter test.

Old News

Circa 575: After being away from these scrolls while stuck in the library more often than desired, LA's scroll mistress has returned. She has been busy setting up a special section of this scroll devoted to the Puddleby Players. This page will serve as a temporary home for Puddleby Players' Visionstones, Films, and Historical Archive of Productions.


Ancient News

Circa 571: The visionstone for This Thoom For Hire is available here! It is zipped up. It was created on a Windows machine.

It was a smashing <er> Bawkfull success!! We laughed, we cried, some died - but that was Punny's fault, although we disclaim all liability for that.

Circa 570: The First ever Brew & Brawl (BnB) was a smashing success. So smashing that we even had killer zu and beer try to crash it! A visionstone can be found here.
It is zipped up. It was created on a Windows machine.

Watch for our next Brew & Brawl next season! Check the calendar for the dates!

Circa 569: Get ready for the Laughing Academy Brew & Brawl Fest! Yes every season LA will host a drunken brawl in TC after returning from our seasonal clan hunt. Check the calendar for dates!

The Trial of Manticore visionstone is available here.

Circa 569: Come out and see the newest Puddleby Players production of Manticore, this month. Starring Pun'isher as non other than Manticore. Inu Teisei is also acting in the supporting role as Neige. In addition, Miug and Measle are also cast as supporting actors. Check the calendar for the date and time.

Circa 567: Laughing Academy recently co-hosted the Drunk-n-Dinghy Dunsilar challenge along with our favorite victims, er rescuers, A Snow Lemming. Needless to say in true LA fashion we came in dead last! This was thanks to the heroic efforts of our active Zo, BlackHand due to two disqualifications at two of the drinking sites. Mind you no beers were actually harmed! Also in true LA fashion, our favorite exiles to kill, er who rescue us, came in second to last due to one disqualification. Poor Lysander! The winner was Kalian of the Order of the White Elephant. In second place was Kani of the Red Quill. A big congratulations to all clans who participated. It was definitely an epically fun time!

Pop Quiz!

Q: How much is a dead Punny worth?

A: She is currently worth 400c due to the Puddleby Housing market crash. In Wangah Ra prices she has to pay him in addition to other requirements which are unknown. Previously she was worth 1000c to all but Wangah Rah, who wanted to pay 175c and she had to come with a chain and handcuffs!
